Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Hangover

The Hangover ( **) 2009..I don't know the cast ..I don't know the director... Everyone said this was a very funny movie... I was in the mood for a very funny movie..i was in the mood for comic actors whose reactions i could not predict. I love stoopid.... I can live stoopid...this was not good stoopid....it was just dumb and poorly timed...
Why does this only happen when I buy retail with high expectations....$17...

1 comment:

  1. Ha i could've told you that, I spent $12 to see it in the theatre though. Everyone I know except for Matt Sefcik loved the movie. I for one agree with your take on the movie and thought it had a few moments worth chuckling...If it didn't have Zach Galifinakis (bearded guy) then it would've been down right horrible.
